Restoring a Chipped Tooth with Dental Bonding

One of the worst dental emergencies you can experience is a chipped or broken tooth. Luckily, when it comes to repair procedures, dental bonding is a quick and easy method that has become the go-to procedure for restoring smiles. If you’ve been living with a chipped tooth, take a moment to learn more about dental bonding. Accidents and injuries happen, but you’ll be surprised how easy it can be to get your smile back.

Dental Bonding Explained

Essentially, dental bonding refers to a tooth-colored resin that is applied to the surface of the tooth. The material seamlessly bonds to the tooth’s surface, meaning unlike veneers (a tooth-colored porcelain or resin that covers the whole front of the tooth), there is no need for a custom mold, and dentists can complete the procedure in a single visit. To repair a chipped tooth with dental bonding, the dentist first etches the surface of the damaged tooth with a liquid or gel, then applies the adhesive material to the tooth. The dentist then hardens the material with ultraviolet light.

Why choose dental bonding

One of the biggest advantages to choosing dental bonding over other procedures is that dental bonding is quick, easy and affordable. The procedure is minimally invasive and can usually be finished in a half-hour or hour-long appointment. While dental bonding is popular, it’s not right for every situation. Crowns, or dental caps, are also a good option for teeth with a lot of decay.

How long does it last?

The longevity of dental bonding depends largely on where the tooth repair is taking place. For example, dental bonding on the edge of a tooth may not last as long as dental repair work is done on the face of the tooth. Dental bonding work, however, is known to last up to 10 years.

Find out if it’s right for you

Dental bonding has become a popular option for chipped, cracked, or broken teeth, making it a cosmetic procedure that has grown in popularity in recent years. To find out if you’re a good candidate for dental bonding, schedule a consultative appointment with your dentist to learn more.

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